
Absolutely! Any of the rugs you see on our website can be remade to the exact dimensions your space needs. We have put together some helpful tips for measuring your space here. We also offer custom orders!

There are two types of custom rug orders. The first is where we assist clients in finding the perfect rug for their specific needs. More information on concierge rug sourcing can be found here. The second option is a Custom Oushak made in any color, size, and design you can dream of! More information on custom rugs can be found here.

Good things take time… and our rugs are truly works of art! Learn more about the process here.

Rugs listed as "Ready to Ship" or “In Stock” ship within 1-3 business days.

Rugs listed as "Quick Ship" ship within 3-4 weeks from the date of order.

Made to Order rugs take 90-120 days to create from the date of order.

Details regarding quoted ship times can be found in each item description.

Yes! Please see our Return Policy for details.

Yes! We offer free shipping on all orders.

While we do not have a storefront, we are excited to partner with retailers across the nation so you can touch, feel, and order locally. Find a list of retailers here. Interested in carrying our rugs? We'd love to hear from you!

Product Info

Wool is a natural fiber, therefore slight variations from each dye lot can occur. Due to the hand-made nature of the product, a 5-15% shade band (difference in colorfastness) can occur. Because of this, we no longer offer samples. However, we understand how big of an investment a hand-knotted rug can be! We are proud to offer Benjamin Moore Color Matching to help you choose a rug. More information can be found here.

Our rugs are made in India and Turkey. Country of origin and materials can be found in the item description.

Email us! Most of our rugs are made to order, therefore, they can be customized to any size you need. All custom size rugs will add an additional 3-4 weeks to lead time.

Due to their handmade nature, rugs can vary in consistency with unique variants and can vary from published size from 1-3 inches. Therefore, we only offer custom sizes in whole and half foot increments.

Clean + Care

A hand knotted rug is an investment and proper care and cleaning can go a long way.  All of our rugs are professionally cleaned by our supplier before we receive them. Here are a few tips to extend the life of your rug! Vacuum your rug regularly. Always use a suction attachment, not the beater brush, to remove dirt. Beater brushes can remove a small amount of pile and destroy the fringe. Clean up spills as soon as possible by blotting the excess fluid, then using club soda or warm, soapy water and a clean cloth. Never use a cleaning agent. If you encounter a major stain that does not respond to this method, we recommend contacting a local carpet cleaner/repair shop.

Yes! Wool rugs are extremely easy to care for and incredibly durable. A hand knotted rug is one of the best investments you can make for your home.  As a natural, renewable fiber that deters bacterial growth, wool naturally repels stains and dust mites. In addition, wool acts as a natural humidifier and is flame-resistant. There’s a laundry list of reasons why you should choose a wool rug over a synthetic... just trust us on this one! You won’t regret it.

We recommend using a felt rug pad to increase the longevity of your rug. This will also help prevent wrinkles, scratches, and staining on your floors.

Roll your rug tightly with the face side out, then cover with a light-colored cloth. It is important that your rug be stored in a cool, dry place to prevent damage.

Yes, but it is no cause for concern. When your rug is new, shedding can occur due to the wool fiber content, but the amount will decrease over time. Make sure not to pull loose yarns, and use scissors to clip instead.


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